Wie kann ich Excel zur Analyse meiner Daten nutzen?

Wie kann ich Excel zur Analyse meiner Daten nutzen?

In the section "Reporting" in your new Charity Backoffice you can download a list of all your Alvarum pages. From this .xls file you can easily create your own data files or reportings with Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc, Google Spreadsheats or any other common spreadsheet tools.​

In this article we will explain you how to use the .xls file with Microsoft Excel. The usage is similiar with other tools.

Data filters

With the help of data filters you can sort your the data in your file.

  1. Log into your new charity backoffice and download your list of Alvarum pages
  2. Open the .xls file with Microsoft Excel
  3. Click on the tab "Data" ("Données")
  4. Click on the filter symbol "Filter" ("Filtrér")

You are now ready to create a custom list of your Alvarum pages.

Make a list of fundraisers created for a specific event

  1. Click on the dropdown symbol in the column "Event"
  2. Click on "Select all" (Sélectionner tout) to unmark all events
  3. Check the events for which you want to make a list
  4. Go back to the table
  5. Mark the displayed data (Strg+A) and copy it (Strg+C)
  6. Create a new table 
  7. Special paste the values in the new table (Strg+Alt+V)
  8. Save the file

Make a list of fundraisers created in a specific month

  1. Click on the dropdown symbol in the column "Creation date"
  2. Click on "Select all" (Sélectionner tout) to unmark all dates
  3. Check the years, months or days for which you want to make a list
  4. Go back to the table
  5. Mark the displayed data (Strg+A) and copy it (Strg+C)
  6. Create a new table 
  7. Special paste the values in the new table (Strg+Alt+V)
  8. Save the file

Aggregate data

With the help of a pivot table you can aggregate the data in your file.

  1. Log into your new charity backoffice and download your list of Alvarum pages
  2. Open the .xls file with Microsoft Excel
  3. Mark all the data (Strg+A)
  4. Click on the tab Insert (Insertion)
  5. Click on the filter symbol "Pivot table" ("Tableau croisé dynamique")
  6. Confirm the next screen

You are now ready to aggregate the data of your Alvarum pages.

Make a report on the fundraising perfomance per fundraising event

  1. Click, hold and move the field "Event" to the box "Column labels" ("Étiquettes de lignes")
  2. Click, hold and move the filed "Creation date" to the box "Values" ("Valeurs")
    Result: Nb. of pages created on an event
  3. Click, hold and move the field "Donations" to the box "Values" ("Valeurs")
    Result: Nb. of donations on an event
  4. Click, hold and move the field "Amount" to the box "Values" ("Valeurs")
    Result: Overall amount raised on an event

Now you have a basic fundraising event reporting. You can refine your table even more with the following options.
  1. Click, hold and move the field "Amount" to the box "Report filter" ("Filtre du rapport"). Now click on the new dropdown in the table to remove pages with 0€ raised from the data set.
  2. Use the columns right of the pivot table to calculate the following averages:
    a. Average donation on an event: Divide overall amount by the nb. of donations
    b. Average amount per fundraiser: Divide overall amount by the nb. of fundraisers
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